DTF offers customs services for import and export operations as well as intra-community transactions, along with logistical assistance for cargo loading and boarding, or retrieval under the vessel and delivery to the destination.
Identification and classification of goods in accordance with the recognized tables at international levels, necessary to define their nature and effect the requested customs operations.
To arrive at the classification according to the HS code (Harmonized System), the national TARIC is applied, the information tool used by the operators and offices interested in international commercial exchanges, that collect provisions, obligations and taxations applied to goods introduced in customs territory of the European Community (release for free circulation or import as well as export and intra-community exchanges), tariff and commercial legislation, community and national.
To arrive at the classification according to the HS code (Harmonized System), the national TARIC is applied, the information tool used by the operators and offices interested in international commercial exchanges, that collect provisions, obligations and taxations applied to goods introduced in customs territory of the European Community (release for free circulation or import as well as export and intra-community exchanges), tariff and commercial legislation, community and national.
Assistance and operability in customs environment for emission of customs declaration for import, export and temporary shipments.
Operations are carried out by direct representation, with specific mandate issued in favor of the customs declarant.
Operations are carried out by direct representation, with specific mandate issued in favor of the customs declarant.
Assistance and operability for emission T2L on portal PoUS, with direct access authorized on Web Portal or by mandate/authorization.
Assistance and performance of the entire logistics chain, from booking of space ship, goods collection from the manufacturing/exporting plant, to the transfer of container/parcel goods to the port for shipment.
Organization of “exceptional“ transports and out-of-shape packages, with the assistance of partners of national importance.
Organization of partial shipments, through groupage loads, to be consolidated at storage warehouses for both export and import.
In partnership with the major national and foreign shipping companies, the DTF offers reservations for space ship of maritime shipments at competitive prices.
Assistance in fumigation of pallets, avoiding the formation of molds , parasites and consequently problems with the shipment of goods.
Assistance at competent customs authorities, for request and release of the necessary certificates for shipment of merchandise.
In partnership with the major national insurance companies, the DTF offers advice for insurance coverage of the travelling merchandise, in import and export.
Assistance at competent authorities for request and release of necessary certificates for the shipment of goods.
Possibility of custody at “IVA Deposit” in order to differ, from a financial point of view, the payment of IVA, considering the temporal distance between the customs operation and the sale of the goods.
Requests and formalization at the competent ministerial authorities of reimbursement on iron/steel products in the name and on behalf of applicant exporters.
Assistance and request at the local port authorities of authorizations for boarding, unloading and transit of dangerous goods, according to IMO classification.
Assistance at the companies and customs authorities for request and release of the status of the authorized economic operator (AEO)
Thanks to the presence of lawyers and expert accountants on site, it is possible to assist clients in case of customs or fiscal disputes.